Is it any wonder that green is my favourite colour?!?! Each season is full of what we like to call ‘learning opportunities’. As farmers and stewards of the land, it is our responsibility to capitalize on what we experience and ‘grow’
Saving the corn!!! It’s that time in the season when we have to walk the corn rows to help some of our little ones break free from the plastic! 5 acres done...only 18 acres to go!!!
The little corns are loving this weather!!! As you drive by our bridge flats field you can see a hint of green down each row!!!
There you are my little friend!!!! Here’s the first spike through and it has lots of company too!!
Who’s excited for the first sprout?!?!? The longer piece is the first root and the tiny short part is that beautiful first sprout beginning it's push to the surface of the soil!
A planting we shall go!! Finally, after a long, cold winter, the day has arrived when we nestle some seeds into the ground!! The biodegradable mulch will keep these seeds comfortable as they begin to germinate in the next few days!. Our daughter
It's 'plastic' laying time!!!!!! There's lots of planning and preparation that goes into growing our sweet corn but today's the day that I feel like we get to really begin our 2018 season! Here our hardworking kids are just beginning the process
It's always a great day when our seed is finally in house! Spring is just around the corner and we can't wait!
Well it’s that time of year where our fields are once again green and lush! Many have asked what we are growing? Once the sweet corn crop is harvested, we plant Tillage Radish on those same rows to help keep
So the last few days have been tumultuous on our late season Sweet Corn crop!! We received almost 6" of rain and winds of over 70km/hr as well as hail! This field of dreams-the 9 acres we invested into sub