Every Snyder’s Dozen is picked fresh the day it is sold! It is machine harvested and hand sorted each morning and throughout the day as demand requires and the crop allows! Any corn that is left at the end of each selling day is bagged up and sent to the Hamilton Food Share where it is distributed in the neighbouring communities to those who have less opportunity to purchase fresh corn!

We anticipate starting our harvest around July 24th and once open our hours will be Mon-Sat 9am-7pm at our Farm Stand!

Unfortunately not…we are a first come-first served stand and are unable to hold, set aside or pre order corn because we pack up corn fresh for each customer! We are extending our hours to 7PM to allow for people who are needing more flexibility!

We accept all forms of electronic payments including VISA, Mastercard, AMEX and Apple Pay. Of course we still accept CASH!

Every customer and their purchase is equally valued and therefore we charge a fair price for every cob that goes off of our farm! You can find our latest pricing on our PRICING page.

We understand everyone’s frustrations regarding limits! We have learned over the years that imposing limits under any circumstance is impossible as people will always find a way around them…they get VERY creative when they want corn!
Most larger orders are just people ‘corn-pooling’ which we encourage as it reduces lineups and vehicle congestion!

‘Corn-pooling’ is the act of going to purchase Snyder’s Sweet Corn on behalf of friends, family and neighbours when picking up your own Snyder Dozen! We appreciate ‘corn-poolers’ as they help keep traffic congestion and lineups down to a minimum during our busy sweet corn season!

The ONLY place we sell our corn is at our Farm Stand in by York Ontario!! Anywhere else is NOT authorized or approved to sell our corn! If you want to ensure you are getting the freshest Snyder’s Sweet Corn possible at the fairest price, be sure to buy only at our FARM STAND!

Corn prefers to go in the fridge with its ‘clothes on’! For ultimate freshness, keep the husk on until right before you cook it! I recommend cutting the silks off for storage and keep in the fridge for up to 5 days from fresh! On these very hot days try not to transport corn in the trunk of your car if possible as it will begin to cook and can alter the flavour of you corn!

When traveling, pack your sweet corn in a cooler with ice. Sweet corn will taste fresh for up to 5 days if kept at refrigerator temperature. If you will be leaving early in the morning, buy your corn the evening before the trip and ice it immediately. Remember to always keep the husk on until it’s time to enjoy it!

Sometimes corn does funky things that are outside of our control as farmers. Try as we may, odd looking cobs occassionaly slip through our rigorous sorting process!

Back in 1981, to help ensure that you get a true good regular dozen sweet corn, Charlie Snyder started putting a couple extra cobs in each dozen he sold through our Farm Stand. We continue that tradition today and it has become known as the Snyder Dozen! The hope is that our awesome customers always come out ahead and preferably receive 14 a-maize-ing cobs of corn!

Check out our CORN ODDITIES page to see if you can identify what it is you are seeing in your Snyder’s Dozen! If you are still concerned, please reach out to us via email and we will try our best to explain 🙂


Freezing Snyder’s Corn is an easy and delicious alternative to buying packaged frozen corn over the winter. You can find easy instructions along with a variety of cooking methods on our COOKING CORN page.

We, as farmers, understand the concern around the use of GMOs. As a family farm we have decided to grow only NON GMO varieties as we feel there is not enough benefit to offset the public concern when it comes to sweet corn. Making decisions about food purchases is one of the most difficult in a market full of so many choices. We don’t take for granted that what we sell goes to feed your most precious people and we consider it a privilege to be a part of your family’s dinner offerings!

We are not an organic sweet corn producer. Our world of food production can be a confusing place. We try to be as transparent as possible!

We only use products that are made in a controlled environment and heavily tested with years of data and guidelines behind them! We feel that some of the ‘natural’ alternatives have not actually been proven safe for our environment or our family’s consumption…please ask very candid questions of anyone promoting an ‘organic’ method of cultivating produce.

These products we use are designed to target pests such as European Corn Borer and Western Bean Cutworms which can destroy a crop in very short order. I don’t know about you but I don’t like protein mixed in with my produce unless it’s cooked chicken in a salad!

All of these products have strict guidelines that go above and beyond food safety recommendations and we practice safe application routines to protect my husband and sons when they are handling any of them! I want my family around for many years to come!

During seasons when we don’t plant sweet corn, we plant a mixture of different clovers that are act as a cover crop. Our favorite is Crimson Clover which has an earlier bright red flower for our bee friends!

Following sweet corn harvest we plant Tillage Radish as it holds the soil and prevents nitrogen loss.