Well the sun is shining...at least for today...so it was a great opportunity to check in on our little sprouts!! Although this early spring weather has been somewhat challenging to work around for getting corn seeds in the ground, those that
Here we grow again!!! The first seeds for 2019 of our Awesome sweet corn are officially in the ground!! Who’s as excited as me?!?!?
Oh the sweet smell of fresh soil in the spring!! Today is the what we consider the start of our 2019 sweet corn season and we are excited to share it with you all! There’s so much happening as we begin to
In 1981 Charlie Snyder and his original ‘Corny Crew’ began this crazy journey with a desire to diversify the family farm. They began by growing a few acres of sweet corn which were hand picked and packed and shipped off
This is Gourmet Sweet Awesome....my favourite variety...now being served at our Farm Stand from Mon-Sat 9AM-6PM
We have an absolutely beautiful crop of corn out there folks!! Almost perfect pollination is complete on our first couple of plantings and the silks are beginning to dry down. Next stage is to plump up and show some colour!! Mmmmmmm...I can almost
I’m getting so big!!! And so are all my corny friends ?? Just look what 4 sleeps did! This first crop is progressing along nicely and is at the perfect stage to explain the importance of silks. The silks are what we
Looky here, looky here!!! Doesn’t this just make your mouth water??? Hidden in this cozy shell is a treasured treat! As the baby cob develops, everything it will need and be is already present...it just gets bigger! If you look close
Tassel in the whorl!!!
So much growth and so much more to come! (Caution and our apologies to those sensitive to the destruction of individual corn plants for research purposes) If you look closely you can see the tassel as well as layer upon layer of