Let’s mark this momentous holiday by announcing our COUNTDOWN TO CORN…23 SLEEPS!!!
How do we know this you may ask??? Well, while it is not an exact science and corn can be a wee bit elusive some years, dating first pick of the season is based on SILK!!!!
The silk is the female portion of corn production while the tassel is the male!

The pollen begins forming in the small pods in the tassel and begins to release and prepare to drop onto the sticky silk of the cob.

Timing is everything here and while wind and gravity are the primary methods of transfer it is critical not to disturb the pollen too early…before the silk is fully exposed.
Each strand of silk is attached to a wee kernel of corn…somewhat like an umbilical cord!

If the timing is off or the silk is broken then that kernel will not develop into a part of the juicy goodness that awaits you when you take your first bite of one of our Snyder Dozen!

This is why we can not risk overhead irrigating during this critical time of production and are continuing to invest in drip irrigation on our farm!
When the crop is at the 50% silk stage we can begin making a prediction of our first harvest date. Weather will definitely influence this projection so be sure to stay tuned as we continue our corn journey of 2020!!